Trump wants immigration that makes America stronger, safer

Trump wants immigration that makes America stronger, safer

Washington, Jan 31 (Just News): “For decades, open borders have allowed drugs and gangs to pour into our most vulnerable communities. They have allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans.” – President Donald J. Trump

ENSURING THE SAFETY OF AMERICANS: It is time to end immigration policies that jeopardize the security of our communities.

The Trump Administration has repeatedly described how our current immigration system jeopardizes America’s national security and public safety.

A recent Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report found that between September 11, 2001, and December 31, 2016, 73 percent of those convicted of international terrorism-related charges were foreign-born.

During that period, 1,716 foreign-born aliens with national security concerns were removed from the United States.

The DOJ and DHS report further found that a number of foreign-born terrorists entered the United States based on family ties and extended-family chain migration.

There have been a number of terrorist attacks in the United States carried out by children of foreign-born individuals.

In FY 2017, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers and Border Patrol agents arrested more than 20,000 criminal aliens and more than 10,000 individuals who were wanted by law enforcement authorities.

In FY 2017, Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested nearly 800 MS-13 members and affiliates.

REFORMS NEEDED: President Trump has proposed vital reforms needed to improve our immigration system and provide a permanent solution for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients.

President Trump has released a framework that will fulfill four agreed-upon pillars of immigration reform.

President Trump has made clear that we must secure our borders and close legal loopholes that prevent the prompt removal of those who cross the border illegally. This includes a $25 billion trust fund for the border wall system, ports of entry and exit, and northern border improvements.

President Trump is promoting nuclear family migration by allowing immigration sponsorships of spouses and minor children only.

More than 70 percent of immigrants who receive green cards every year do so based on their family relationships, not their skills.

President Trump has called for ending the visa lottery program, and therefore stopping our current practice of awarding green cards without consideration of skills or merit.

The United States now awards 50,000 green cards every year through the visa lottery.

President Trump wants to provide legal status for DACA recipients and certain other DACA-eligible illegal immigrants—a total population of approximately 1.8 million individuals.

IMMIGRATION REFORM WILL BENEFIT STRUGGLING AMERICAN COMMUNITIES: Merit-based immigration reform will benefit American workers and relieve the strain imposed by our current system on Federal resources.

Years of mass low-skilled immigration has led to suppressed wages and has strained Federal resources.

Most immigrants who receive green cards every year are low-skilled or unskilled workers.

Almost one-third of all adult immigrants in the United States have not graduated high school.

Only about 1 of every 15 immigrants who come to the United States each year is admitted on the basis of skill.

Our current immigration system strains the resources of our Nation’s welfare programs.

More than half of all immigrant households use one or more welfare programs.

Immigrants with a college education or higher, however, are less likely to receive welfare benefits.

Real hourly wages for Americans with a high school diploma or lower have declined since 1979.
