Trump is delivering a better healthcare system

Trump is delivering a better healthcare system

President Donald J. Trump is working across the aisle to rein in the price of prescription drugs and protect American patients.

Already, President Trump’s efforts have resulted in the single largest decline in drug prices in 46 years.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had a record number of generic drug approvals in 2017 and 2018. According to the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), generic approvals under President Trump have saved consumers $26 billion.

Congress needs to work with President Trump to address the global freeloading that forces Americans to subsidize drug research, development, and distribution for the entire world.

The President is also requesting that Congress pass legislation that lowers drug costs, including policies that put a hard cap on out-of-pocket payments for seniors.


President Trump wants to work with Congress to increase price transparency, end surprise billing, offer more options, and lower costs.

Tonight, President Trump announced his commitment to take action to increase price transparency so as to prevent surprise billing and empower consumers.

Hospitals, insurance companies, and drug companies should be required to disclose real prices to patients in order to drive costs down.

The President has taken action to curtail the cost of healthcare by empowering patients, expanding options, and increasing competition.

The Administration’s expansion of health insurance options are already reducing premium costs for many Americans after the ballooning increases caused by Obamacare.


President Donald J. Trump wants to work with Congress to defeat the HIV epidemic in America, find new treatments for childhood cancer, and protect patients with pre-existing conditions.
Scientific breakthroughs have allowed for us to make remarkable progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

The United States has already achieved incredible progress on treating and preventing HIV/AIDS, saving the lives of 17 million people around the globe in just 15 years.

President Trump’s Budget requests that Republicans and Democrats make the needed commitment to end the HIV epidemic in the United States within 10 years.

President Trump is committed to tackling the scourge of childhood cancer by increasing research funding to find new treatments.

Many childhood cancers have not seen new therapies in decades.

The President’s Budget will ask Congress to start a new dedicated effort – $500 million over ten years – to fund critical childhood cancer research.

It is important that Congress continues to find ways to ensure that patients with pre-existing conditions are protected.

Last year, President Trump signed “Right to Try” legislation to expand treatment options for Americans with terminal illnesses.