UN urges Bangladesh

Allocate flat land to temporarily relocate refugees

Allocate flat land to temporarily relocate refugees

UN Correspondent from New York, May 22 (Just News): Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary‑General on Tuesday said the lack of sufficient safe space for at‑risk Rohingya refugees, and the lack of safe shelters, limits our risk mitigation possibilities.

150,000‑200,000 refugees and 883 community facilities are at risk from flooding and landslides during the monsoon season, including 25,000 refugees at critical risk, the spokesman added.

Stéphane Dujarric came up with this comment at noon briefing held at UN headquarter in New York.

In briefing Spokesman for the Secretary‑General said “More than 7,000 people were affected by storms or landslides in the week of 7‑14 May alone  This, at the start of the monsoon season. The monsoons typically deposit 2.5 meters of rain on Cox’s Bazar, resulting in significant flooding.”

UN Agencies have ramped up preparedness activities to mitigate the effects of the rains on refugees, the spokesman said.

Stéphane Dujarric said“More flat land on the mainland, to temporarily relocate the refugees to, would be appreciated.  The lack of sufficient safe space for at‑risk refugees, and the lack of safe shelters, limits our risk mitigation possibilities.”

“We recognize that Bangladesh has been dealing with monsoons annually, and has developed some experience in these matters.  However, the situation present in the refugee camps is unique in scope and volume, and the international humanitarian community is working to support and protect the refugee communities most at risk,” he added.  
